What should I bring?

Water and if it’s a warm day, a towel if you like. A change of t-shirt or an extra layer is also good depending on the climate. You may also need to bring your wallet unless you’ve paid us beforehand. We require payment in advance for all sessions. Check out our pricing section for more details. We accept payment by bank transfer, cheques or good old fashioned cash.

How long do sessions last?

Group and private training sessions are between 45 mins and 1 hour.

Planning for the hours we don’t see you

Eating properly and getting enough rest are crucial factors, but unless we move into your spare room, we’re generally not around to remind you 24/7. However, should your goals or motivations require it; food diaries and nutritional advice can be provided as part of your training plan. We are not food Nazis and we don’t advocate you live on supplements and protein shakes. Our aim is to demystify a lot of the nonsense and information overload that’s out there and provide you with sound advice to suit your goals, your schedule and your lust for life!

Payment and cancellation

Payment for packages is required in advance. We can issue you with a receipt should you require it. We operate a 24hour non-refundable cancellation policy for private and semi-private, but will always text you a reminder the day before your session. That way you shouldn’t sleep-in, go shopping or generally forget you have a session with us!

I have an injury, can I still train?

If you are currently in need of additional love and care with a pre-existing injury that has caused you to seek medical advice, we recommend a one on one consultation and assessment with us before embarking on our group training sessions. Our clients come from all backgrounds and many come with sore backs, dodgy ankles, injured shoulders and reconstructed knees. So, if you are in any doubt about your training capacity, call or email us with some background info and allow us to meet and assess you first. When it comes to one on one training, we are very happy to work with your physio, osteo, chiro or GP should your situation require it.

Is it for me?

There are no gimmicks or fads at the Naked Trainer. The way we train works on a real-world level. We are not about vanity, 6pack abs, big guns, toning up with light weights or spot reducing bingo wings with soup cans. We are about building strong, agile, vital bodies and minds. Be prepared to focus mentally and physically and train hard to progress. Although there is very much a tough love approach, we firmly believe in genuine support and encouragement. So you tell us, is it for you?